Chris Gray has been featured as a property expert with:

Your Empire X10

- Invitation only
- 12 month program
- Intimate group workshops
- 3-day masterclass
- 3 x single day social and workshop events
Your Empire X10
Warren Buffett

"Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful"

Warren Buffett

Ask Yourself This Question...

"Right now, are people mostly "fearful" or "excited" about investing in property?"

People Are Fearful

But why?



The Sad Truth

"The average investor's portfolio is violently under performing due to taking the advice from people who have never had success investing in property"

What Are Property Experts Doing Right Now?

Have you stopped recently to ask why the experts are hustling in the current market?

It is said that we are the product or the average of the five people that we spend the most time with. Go ahead and ask yourself honestly if that is true? Do you earn about the average of the five people you spend most time with?

How much property do your five closest acquaintances own and what are they saying about property right now?

Next door neighbour advice

"Right now is a TERRIBLE time to invest"

Wealthy Person

"I can not believe the opportunities right now that other people don't see"

Where will these people be ten years from now?

Whose advice have you been taking until now?

Whose advice should you really be taking if you want to get ahead?

Chris Gray

Hi, I’m Chris Gray.

I've been the host of “Your Property Empire” each week on Sky News for 10 years and have appeared on all the major Australian television networks for my perspective about property investment, as well as being a regular contributor to major Australian publications. Over the last two decades, I have built a property portfolio worth over $16 million starting with just $20k and I want to help you get started on your property investment journey too.

"The Perfect Storm"

I remember when I got started in property, I just wanted to move out of my parent's house. I was an "accidental" property investor.

Years later, I'd moved to Australia and I can still remember doing my taxes realising that I'd earned more from property than I had from my accounting job that year.

So I retired from a job.

I built my portfolio through hard work, a little luck and a very simple "buy and hold" strategy focusing on "blue chip suburbs".

I've grown my portfolio through the GFC and financial downturns including multiple property "bubbles" (as the media would call them). 

Recently, as I'm sure you are aware, the market has gone down in many locations. Although my strategy includes to always have a cash buffer to ride out these events, I became aware in recent times of multiple economic factors aligning to create "The Perfect Storm" in the property market and I knew I had to add more strings to my property portfolio bow.

"The Perfect Storm" has created opportunities I simply have never seen before in the Australian market and involves the use of 5 very important levers. All of which I want to share and work side by side with a group of people who want to join me in my quest.

About Your Empire...

Today, I run one of Australia’s leading and most respected buyer’s agencies called Your Empire.

Your Empire - Google Reviews

Through running a buyer's agency and working deep in the property industry, I've collected an inner group of friends, contacts and experts that is second to none. Together, the knowledge I am privy to continues to blow my mind and expand my conscience. 

Especially right now.

Never before have I offered an intimate and live event to share my knowledge and secrets about these additional property levers. Never before have I shared my property knowledge outside the "buy and hold" strategy.

Until now.


Your Empire X10

- Invitation only
- 12 month program
- Intimate group workshops
- 3-day masterclass
- 3 x single day social and workshop events
Your Empire X10

What Will You Get From X10?

  • The 5 property strategies I am using right now and explicit details of how you can too

  • 20+ ways to make $10k

  • Access to the Your Empire Property Development Syndicates

  • Opportunity to build a private property power group with other attendees

  • The essential blocks of mindset and strategy

  • Partnership opportunities and networking

  • Special expert business and property guest speakers

  • How to create a stable and profitable business from property ventures

  • Social events and networking opportunities

Interested in Discussing Whether You'd Be a Good Fit for
"Your Empire X10"?

Your Empire X10 is by application only

Submit An Application Now

About the 3-Day Masterclass

This Is NOT:

A three day "snooze-fest" of boring speakers delivering the same old rubbish you've heard 100 times before

This IS:

A completely interactive step-by-step workshop style event in an intimate environment so that you know the exact steps and how to achieve them when you leave

What Are People Saying About Chris Gray and Your Empire?

So What Exactly Will You Learn From X10?

  • Structure

    Should you purchase property in your own name? A partnership? Trust? I'll show you exactly what you need to consider and what I choose to do.

  • Finance

    Have you ever had trouble organising finance? I'll show you multiple methods to consider even when you think you have run out of options.

  • Protection

    Most people are completely exposed and vulnerable to market conditions. See exactly how I organise my finances to survive property bubbles and the GFC.

  • Searching

    Watch live as I take you through a step-by-step process of how Your Empire has purchased hundreds of properties for our clients.

  • The Offer

    Learn my simple strategy to ensure you pay the right price for property anytime, without ever having to haggle or negotiate.

  • Contacts

    Get access to accountants, mortgage brokers, financial planners, lawyers and more as I share my contacts as an open book for you to use too.

And Discover the 5 Strategies I Am Using Right Now to Build My Property Empire

Strategy One: Buy and Hold

This is the foundation method I have used to build my property portfolio since I was 22 years of age and allowed me to retire in my early 30's.

In this section, you will discover:

  • How to set up rock solid foundations for your property portfolio

  • How to find properties that are less volatile to withstand market forces

  • How to inspect properties like a pro and know exactly what to look for in just a few minutes

  • Which experts you need along your journey and exactly when

  • How to win the negotiation battle every time and always pay exactly the right amount for a property

  • Multiple methods to organise finance and build beyond your first property

Strategy Two: Joint Venturing

Can 1+1 really equal 3? When you combine an income partner and an equity partner, it's definitely possible with property investment and I will show you how.

In this section, you will discover:

  • What is an "income partner" and what can they bring to the table in a joint venture?

  • What is an "equity partner" and why are they equally as important in this relationship

  • How to structure any agreement to avoid nasty legal issues down the track

  • How the flow of money works, from the investment, to the profits to ensure a fair and equitable agreement

  • The specific terms of the agreement to allow rigidity and flexibility when required

  • What are the specific risks involved in a joint venture and how to minimise their potential impact or overcome them completely

  • How you can build a portfolio of multiple joint ventures

Strategy Three: Alternative Financing

Recent banking changes have made borrowing much more difficult, though that doesn't need to be the end of the road for investors. In this section, I'll share some of the strategies I am using myself, plus those that my mentors are teaching me to move further forward with my portfolio.

In this section, you will discover:

  • What is "alternative financing", who uses it, how they use it and why

  • The breakdown of investment numbers using the adjusted figures of alternative financing so you have complete understanding of how it works

  • Where you need to look and who you need to speak to in order to discuss your personal financing options

  • A breakdown of specific numbers on a real life alternative financing deal

Strategy Four: Property Options

This is by far the most exciting for me and my portfolio as this is what I am most active in right now. Given the shape of the market recently, it's imperative any property investor is able to diversify and the current market conditions are allowing for incredible potential in this space.

In this section, you will discover:

  • What are the factors that are aligning to make this such an exciting space to be in right now

  • How to create a mindset capable of handling the scope of a project like this, even when you have done nothing like it before

  • Who you need to talk to and partner with to set up for success

  • What are the common (and critical) mistakes that new investors make and how you can ensure you avoid them

  • The different levels of options, from subdividing a block, to developments of hundreds of units and how you can make that step for yourself

  • How a property option works, from set up to execution

  • What is a property option worth, how long is it for and what are your legal requirements

  • What is a DA process and how does it work?

  • Ways you can make a property option work, either through settling, or on-selling to a developer

  • What are the (massive) risks and what happens when things don't work out?

Strategy Five: Escape the Rat Race

One of the most satisfying moments of my life was the day I left my job as an accountant, never to return to the workforce. Today, I run my own company, by my own rules, in my own time. Being able to help others create an income flow from building their own property based business is one of the most satisfying things I have ever done. This is the first time ever I have formally shared the tips, secrets, strategies and pitfalls of how others can follow in my footsteps to get control of their own lives too.

In this section, you will discover:

  • The exact steps I took in order to retire in my early 30's

  • How to set yourself up financially to know when it's time to make the leap from the Rat Race into a world controlled by you

  • How to structure your own business effectively and how to avoid the common mistakes

  • Who you need on your team to help build towards the goal and where to find them

  • The mental foundations required to make a success of this and why most people fail

  • Your driving reason as to why you would even want to do this in the first place

To Recap

I'll share with you tips, strategies, resources, contacts, methods and show you exactly what you need to do to get started implementing these property strategies for yourself.

by Rod Boothman

"...paid off our mortgage with profits after 2 years..."

by Rod Boothman

Chris coached my wife and I on property investment, we gained enormous value and confidence from Chris's expertise and approach. We have since invested in long term property investments as well as diversified into short term developments also, paid off our mortgage with profits after 2 years and have continued to grow. Portfolio > $2mill, profits > $300k (14 mths), capital growth >25%. Highly recommend Chris to people looking to 'get into' property investment.
by Betty Ramsay

"...and I saved $30,000 in the process..."

by Betty Ramsay

I spent 7 years thinking of buying property but never actually doing anything about it. At Chris’ mentoring program I gained valuable knowledge of the property market. Within 6 months I moved from knowing very little and doing nothing to purchasing my first property. Chris’ practical advice and support made the process remarkably smooth – and I saved $30,000 in the process. Chris gave me knowledge, courage, direction and support. He has been great!

Not to mention our social events...

During the 12 months and in addition to the 3-day masterclass, we'll be hosting three scheduled user pays social events

  • Exciting Activities

    Join me and other like minded property enthusiasts for some incredible experiences and activities

  • Special Guests

    Network and socialise with special guests from the property industry who will be joining us for our social days

  • Workshops and Presentations

    Keep up to date with the latest news, information, tips and tricks as we cover the cutting edge information each quarter

But wait... there's more!

Ok, not actually steak knives and if you know me, I'm not that kind of guy. However if you are after more value, I'll throw in full access to my two other programs worth $3,000.

"Build Your Property Empire"

Sells for $1,997 - Included in X10 FREE!

My complete A-Z, step-by-step course based around my foundation property strategy of "Buy and Hold".
Check out the course here

"Property Development Syndicate Group"

Sells for $997 - Included in X10 FREE!

Follow along as I walk through the details of my property syndicate with syndicate members and get first access to future investments
Check out the details here

"The Perfect Storm" Webinar

You can have this for FREE - RIGHT NOW!

In this 90 minute webinar (that was recorded live), I walk through the basics of the 5 strategies we'll cover in full detail throughout X10.
Click here to watch the webinar

So what's the investment?

Keep in mind...

At the age of 31, I paid $15,000 for a program that ultimately allowed me to retire. Was that worth it? Definitely yes. Today, I spend $15,000 per year to be a part of EO, my own mastermind business group to keep me sharp and on the cutting edge.

Just recently I've joined yet another group to help me on my property journey. This one is worth $40,000 per year for me to be a part of.

In total, I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on my own education and I think it's the best investment I've ever made.

As part of Your Empire X10, you get:

  • Access to the 3-day mastermind and workshop where you'll rub shoulders with our guests and be able to build a team of your own to help reach your goals through property

  • Access to the "after hours" element of the 3-day event (this is always where the biggest breakthroughs are made)

  • 12 months access to "Build Your Property Empire", my complete "buy and hold" strategy course (sells for $2,000)

  • Access to all recordings and any future live webinars (for up to 2 years) from my "Property Development Syndicate Group" (sells for $1,000)

  • Three quarterly invites to our experience events, where we'll discuss the latest in the property world, though also get to experience some incredible activities and time together

  • The ability to have one-on-one discussions with me about your personal property goals (I no longer offer personal consultations to clients - formerly $1,000 per hour)

  • In total, over 100 videos, dozens of pdfs and checklists, live and recorded webinars (over 30 hours worth), access to my personal team and contacts and even more to be added as we go!

All for $14,997

Already a client of ours, spent money on a course with us before, or eligible for the "action taker" discount?

Get it for even less!

So that's 12 months of intensive training, contact, course materials, webinars and a COMPLETE money back guarantee (see below FAQ's for details).

Do you think you could completely change your future in 12 months by dedicating to a program like this?

Remember, we're only interested in ACTION TAKERS. People who will join the program and really commit to making this work for them and their goals. 

Is that you? Are you ready?

Even if you're not sure about the investment, submit your application and we can discuss your eligible discounts, payment plans and opportunities to work together to make this happen - IF we are the right fit for each other.

Remember, one of the course modules is "20+ Ways to Make $10k", so I'm pretty confident that one module alone will pay for this course!

Let's Talk.

Your Empire X10 is by application only, so there's no up front commitment to discover if this is a good fit

Submit An Application Now

Got questions?
Here's some answers

  • How much does X10 cost?

    To be a part of the "Your Empire X10" program, the investment is $14,997, or you can choose the payment plan of 4 x $3,997. If this is going to put financial strain on you or put you into significant debt, you will not be accepted into the program. This program is for people who understand the value in the investment and want to be a part of something very special.

  • Where and when are the events held?

    The 3-day masterclass is planned to be held on the Gold Coast, however the dates and location are subject to change until confirmed. The three quarterly social and workshop events are at dates and locations TBC.

  • What costs do I need to cover myself?

    All transport, flights and accommodation is covered by the participant on an individual "user pays" basis for both the 3-day and quarterly workshops. At the 3-day event, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.

  • People are saying it's a bad time to invest in property. Do you disagree?

    As part of X10, I'll show you exactly what professional seasoned investors are doing right now to take advantage of the property market in any market conditions. Don't believe everything you hear from your next door neighbour (unless they have a vast portfolio) or the media.

  • What are my chances of success?

    In no way can we guarantee any level of success and results will vary significantly based on your level of application and implementation of the strategies. This is not a magic pill. If you think you can turn up, take part, then get rich without doing a lot of hard work, you are absolutely kidding yourself. If you are one of these people, don't waste your time and ours and leave this program to those who are ambitious, enthusiastic, ready to work and resilient.

  • But you are a buyer's agent. Why are you doing this?

    Ever since I quit my job in my early 30's I've been "unofficially" mentoring and helping dozens of people create their own success through property. Your Empire has purchased hundreds of properties for clients who simply want us to do the work for them in finding the right investment. Now is the perfect time to pass on some of my knowledge and form some very exclusive masterminds of others who share my passion and are looking to build their own wealth in the property space. There are boundless opportunities in the property market right now and I want to share the journey with some key people.

  • What happens if I don't think this is value for money?

    I have a rock solid money back guarantee to ensure you are protected if this is not the right fit for either of us. Anytime before the end of the first day of the 3-day workshop, simply let me know that it's not the right fit and I'll refund exactly what you paid to Your Empire as the X10 course fee without question (and I promise we can still be friends).

  • How much detail is in the program

    In the 3-day masterclass and at the quarterly events, we'll go through explicit detail, examples and workshop ideas, strategies and tactics so you have something to walk away with in your hands. This is NOT a traditional "speaker based" seminar. This is a guided workshop, mastermind and masterclass.

  • What happens if I have already purchased one of the courses you include in the package?

    Fantastic. Great to have you interested. Please send us an email [email protected] and we'll send you a coupon code to discount every dollar you've already paid!

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to email us anytime:

[email protected]

100% Money Back, No Risk, Complete Satisfaction Guarantee

Iron-clad 100% Guarantee

I want us both to be certain this is the right program for you. If you attend the 3-day Masterclass and decide anytime before the end of day 1 that this is not a PERFECT fit, let me know and I'll refund 100% of your X10 course payment immediately. Without question.

There is simply no other property program like this available in the country and I guarantee I'll give you absolutely everything I know in the time we have together. 


I understand that some people may decide this is not a perfect fit after attending the first day of the 3-day Masterclass and that's ok. 

We also reserve the right to make that judgement as well.

It has to be a PERFECT fit for BOTH OF US.

If it's not, I guarantee that if you approach me personally prior to the end of the first day (or at least prior to 8.30am at the start of the 2nd day of the program) and tell me this isn't the right fit, I'll refund 100% of the course investment. 

I'm serious about creating a group of enthusiastic and driven people who are committed to making this a success. If that's not you, that's ok.

Note: Refunds are only for your personal investment in the Your Empire X10 program cost (paid to Your Empire) and do not include any other costs incurred as a result of participating in the program.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the guarantee prior to committing to the program.

[email protected]

Interested in Discussing Whether You'd Be a Good Fit for
"Your Empire X10"?

Your Empire X10 is by application only

Submit An Application Now

If you're still reading, I know you are serious...

From many conversations I have had over the last 12 months, I know this is the exact program that people need right now to help them break free.

Times are tough. If you don't change anything, then why do you expect anything to change?

All too often I speak with people who say, "I wish I had purchased property X years ago". Think for a second what your family home, or your parents home was worth when it was purchased? How long ago was that? Do you wish you could go back and have purchased more?

You don't have to be a genius to figure out that property, on average over a long period of time, has traditionally increased in value. Sure, this is no guarantee of the future, though which side of the fence are you going to be on in 20 years from now?

Money will be made through property through investment, property joint ventures, options and development with or without you.

Are you the type of person down the track that's going to be saying "I wish I did" or the person that says "I'm so glad I learned from the experts".

Remember, learning by itself won't make you rich. You need to be armed with the right tools from the experts, committment, resiliance and a healthy dose of hard work just to give yourself a fighting chance.

But it all starts here and now it's over to you.

If deep down, some spark of excitement or nervousness is passing through you, or if you're starting to squirm in your chair wondering if this program is everything that it promises, then let's chat. Let's figure out together if Your Empire X10 is a perfect fit for both of us.

I can't wait to share a room with what's set to be one of Australia's most powerful property mastermind groups. Will you be joining us?

Chris Gray.

PS. Even if you're not entirely sure, that's ok. Submit an application and we can chat. We don't hire sales people, so there's no sales tactics and certainly no pressure on the phone. We're just trying to find the right people to join us.

Your Empire X10

- Invitation only
- 12 month program
- Intimate group workshops
- 3-day masterclass
- 3 x single day social and workshop events
Your Empire X10