Does Any of This Sound Familiar?
You’re saving your butt off just to scrape enough money together for your first property
You’ve read a bunch of books on property investment where everyone seems to have a different idea and you just don’t know who to trust anymore
You’re sick of hearing advice from family, friends, neighbours and even strangers about how to invest in property
Everyone else seems to be making a fortune from property and you’re scared you might have missed the boat
You’ve even considered just “diving in”, but can’t help being petrified that you might stuff it all up and lose everything
You just want to know exactly what steps you need to take and when. That’s it
If it does… believe me… I understand. I was once in your exact position and incredibly frustrated. It just doesn’t have to be so difficult.
Every day I talk to people just like you who read books and browse online forums, only to see the price of property seemingly go through the roof overnight and wonder if they missed a golden opportunity.
It’s like a game of ping pong in your mind where one minute you are incredibly excited about the prospect of buying investment property that will make you money, then the next minute lose all motivation because it just seems too hard and you probably missed the boat anyway.
Then you play this game in your mind over… and over… and over again.
The more you research, the further you think you are from getting started because every so called “expert” seems to have a different idea.
If only someone could take you by the hand, remove all the BS and give you the exact steps you need to take. Then it would all make perfect sense, right?
If you’ve even read this far, you’re not lacking the motivation or commitment, you just don’t want to spend a load of wasted time trying to find a property only to be out-bid, undercut, ripped off, or worse still, end up losing a fortune on a bad decision.
Don’t get caught out.
Countless books, websites, forums and courses claim to have the perfect property strategy but you don’t actually know for sure who’s walking their own talk and who’s full of hot air.
You just want to cut through all the crap and for once and for all have a single system you are willing to follow, because you’re ready to get started now!
What if...
You could have a system that removed the frustration and allowed you to still enjoy your favourite latte and smashed avocado (if you wanted) at your local cafe and not feel guilty?
There were precise checklists showing you who to speak to, when to speak to them, what questions to ask and how much to pay?
You had a proven bullet proof system created by one of Australia’s leading authorities in property investment which showed exactly how you can have a property portfolio that makes money, even while you sleep, with little or no stress?
Hi, I’m Chris Gray.
I'm the former host of “Your Property Empire” each week on Sky News and have appeared on all the major Australian television networks for my perspective about property investment, as well as being a regular contributor to major Australian publications. Over the last two decades, I have built a property portfolio worth over $16 million starting with just $20k and I want to help you get started on your property investment journey too.
Before I Started
When I got started in property, times were tough. To be honest, I just wanted to move out of my parents’ house as I was young, had already travelled the world and when I returned home, my mother put a midnight curfew on me (which I really didn’t care for much).
But very quickly I realised that property had the ability to help me afford nicer clothes, better cars and an incredible lifestyle I couldn’t match grinding it out every day in a job I didn’t really like.
And today...
Today, I run one of Australia’s leading and most respected buyer’s agencies called Your Empire and live a stress free lifestyle I could never have imagined just a few short years ago.
What I’ve come to realise is there are a lot of other people like me when I was starting out who are desperate to get into the market, though have absolutely no idea where to start. Mortgage brokers, conveyancers, building inspectors, cooling off periods, LVR’s, LMI, P&I, buyer’s agents… it was doing my head in.
That’s why I decided to create the online course
A course designed for people like you and one I only dream I could have had when I first got started.
A course that
Is delivered in plain English so it’s easy to understand
Shows the exact methods and strategies used by someone successful in property and doesn’t just provide fluff from some property spruiker trying to flog their other products
Provides checkpoints and checklists so you can follow along and know exactly where you are in the process
Cuts out the BS and gets right to the poihome
Answers every conceivable question a new person might have when getting started with their property portfolio
Is this course a guarantee that you will make money from property?
Of Course Not!
Property prices fluctuate over the years
This course is the result of documenting meticulously my own and more recently our company’s strategies and tactics, then breaking them down so that anyone can follow along and get the same results for themselves.
People will try to add their own “secret sauce”
Have you ever tried to bake a cake and taken out some of the key ingredients? A chocolate cake without eggs is not that tasty, just as a chocolate cake with twice as many eggs is equally terrible.
People will get greedy
Investing in property is a long term proposition. We hear all the time about people who purchased multiple properties in the first year, but there can be massive problems that come with that strategy. Building Your Property Empire is a marathon… not a sprint.
People will get distracted
This course is so in depth and has so much detail that I know some people will start all excited, though become distracted by the next shiny object or “get rich quick” scheme. They will feel as though the level of detail is too much for them and take an easier approach. Trust me, I’ve tried shortcuts and they don’t work.
Some people will try to find why this course won’t work for them
Everyone thinks they are special and that some things just don’t apply to them. They look for the negatives in everything. If you are that person and think that merely purchasing this course will make you a successful property investor, then DON’T BUY IT! Trust me. This course will only work if you have the commitment and desire to make it work.
Rod Boothman Head of PfMO at HealthDirect Australia Chris coached my wife and I on property investment, we gained enormous value and confidence from Chris's expertise and approach. We have since invested in long term property investments as well as diversified into short term developments also, paid off our mortgage with profits after 2 years and have continued to grow. Portfolio > $2mill, profits > $300k (14 mths), capital growth >25%. Highly recommend Chris to people looking to 'get into' property investment. |
So what’s in the course?
This easy to understand, digest and follow course is divided into FOUR basic Sections, where each section contains
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Main Course Material
Get over 40 step-by-step professionally produced videos with easy-to-follow talking head lessons and slide presentations from Chris |
The BYPE Property Wallet
Bonus interviews and slide based lessons to build on the knowledge you gain in the main course, plus loads of bonuses |
Downloads / Resources
Comprehensive workbooks, checklists, even the exact scripts to use and questions to ask, plus audio downloads and more |
Course curriculum
Welcome to the Program
- Welcome to the Program - Introduction
- This Course Is Divided Into EIGHT Modules
- Here's the Schedule for the Course Release
- Join Our Private Facebook Group
- PDF Downloads
- Important Legal Disclaimer
- Help and FAQ's
WEEK 1 - Laying Robust Foundations
- What to Expect from Section One
- Myths About Money and the Empire Mindset
- Myths About Property Investing
- The Reality of Working Harder
- Let's Talk About Money
- Knowing Your Current Financial Position
- The Key Difference Between Top Investors and Poor Investors
- Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Making Your Goals S.M.A.R.T.
- Goal Setting for Success
- Drawing Your Dream
- Your Bucket List
- How Much Money Do You Need?
- The Power of Leveraging
- The Value of Passive Investing Explained
- Your Master Plan
- Do Not Pass Go... Yet
- Printer Friendly PDF Downloads
WEEK 2 - Property Wallet One
- What's Inside the Property Wallet?
- Terminology
- Why Was This Course Created?
- Which People Should You Listen To?
- What Is the Perfect Mindset for This Course?
- Your Starting Questions Answered
- Excuses About Investing and How to Avoid Them
- Guaranteed Ways to Fail
- Creating a Bucket List
- Your Three to Ten Year Plan
- Costing out Your Goals
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Develop a Property Investing Strategy with the Least Risk with Anthony Bell
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Break Free from the Daily Grind with Finn Kelly
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Think, Plan and Invest Like The Super Wealthy with Jacqui Clarke
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - Why It’s Cheaper to Own a Lamborghini than a BMW - interview by Dale Beaumont
WEEK 3 - Building Your Property Dream Team
- What to Expect from Section Two
- Assembling Your Dream Team
- Your Dream Team Roster
- Do You Need a Mentor?
- Do You Need a Mentor or Coach?
- Financial Planner - Does Everyone Need One?
- Are All Financial Planners the Same?
- Mortgage Broker - Why They Are Vitally Important
- Preparing for the Mortgage Broker
- Accountant - The Difference Between a Little Wealth and a Lot
- Finding Your Accountant
- Do You Need Company and Trust Structures?
- Solicitor or Conveyancer - How to Cover Yourself Legally
- The Difference Between a Solicitor and Conveyancer
- Building and Pest Inspector - How People Can Lose Everything by Cutting Corners
- Building And Pest Inspectors
- Strata Inspector - A Simple Search Can Save Hundreds of Thousands
- Strata Inspectors Can Save Thousands
- Valuer - Why It Is Crucial to Know the Exact Value of a Property
- How Do You Know Exactly What a Property is Worth?
- Real Estate Agent - Whose Team Are They On?
- The Real Estate Agent
- Buyer's Agent - Putting More Muscle on Your Team
- The Power of Buyer's Agents
- Quantity Surveyor
- Do You Need Quantity Surveyors?
- The Most Important Member of the Team
- Getting Independent Information
- P&I vs Interest Only
- The Cost of Advice
- Why Disputing Bills Could Cost Thousands
- Your Full Team Lineup
- Printer Friendly PDF Downloads
WEEK 4 - Property Wallet Two
- What's Inside the Property Wallet?
- What Happens If Your Bank Goes Bust?
- What Is LVR?
- Why You Should Have a Negotiating Barrier
- The Winning Goal Setting Formula
- How Did Chris Build His Advisor Team?
- Which Advisors Does Chris Use?
- How to Deal with Strange Circumstances
- Why Would a Buyer's Agent Teach Other People How to Buy Property?
- How to Weigh up Mortgage Types
- Risk and Responsibility
- Your Property Empire Setup Structure
- Tips to Assemble Your Dream Team
- Before You Move on to Section Three
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - The Essentials Guide to Securing Investment Finance with John Flavell
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Develop a Property Portfolio Worth over $20 Million with Nathan Birch
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Become a Multi-Millionaire Through Real Estate - Interview by Dale Beaumont
WEEK 5 - The Bulletproof Property Search System
- Section Three Is All About Finding the Right Property
- What to Expect from Section Three
- When Do You Need Your Team?
- Knowing Your Costs
- The Effortless Empire Strategy Explained
- What Should Your Strategy Be?
- The Simple Search Strategy
- Property Detective Techniques
- Your Property Inspection Guide
- What Are the Best Property Hot Spots?
- Choosing Suburbs Checklist
- Planning Your Day to Look at Properties
- Real Estate Agent Inspection Questions
- Strata Search Questions You Must Ask
- What You Must Know About Making an Offer
- Before You Buy or Bid
- Negotiation Techniques and Auction Strategies
- Offer Accepted, Now What?
- Getting Advice
- Printer Friendly PDF Downloads
WEEK 6 - Property Wallet Three
- What's Inside the Property Wallet?
- When Exactly Is the Best Time to Buy?
- What Are the Different Types of Investment Property?
- In What Order Do You Get Things Done?
- What Does Chris Look for in a Property?
- What Is Positive and Negative Gearing?
- An Honest Discussion About Real Estate Agents
- Expert Advice About Going to Auction
- Top Negotiating Tips for Beginners
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Understand What a Property Is Really Worth with Jason Field
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - The When, What and How of Buying Property with John Manciameli
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - Understanding How Property Markets Rise and Fall with Louis Christopher
WEEK 7- Your Empire Beyond the First Property
- What to Expect from Section Four
- Where Are We at Now?
- How to Secure Your Position
- Preparing Your Property for Rent
- Before You Rent
- Strata Committee
- Knowing Your Investment Numbers
- How to Leverage and Grow like a Pro
- Buying Again… and Again… and Again
- Your Personal Property Portfolio Master Plan
- Knowing Your Investment Numbers
- Should You Sell or Refinance?
- What If You Want to Draw Equity?
- Wrapping Everything Up
- Final Thoughts
- Printer Friendly PDF Downloads
WEEK 8 - Property Wallet Four
- What's Inside the Property Wallet?
- When Do You Need to Move Fast?
- What Happens After the Property Settles?
- Should You Even Bother to Renovate?
- How Will You Know If You Are Ready to Buy Again?
- Some Long Term Strategy Tips
- What Happens When You Get Stuck?
- What If I Can't Afford Blue Chip Properties?
- Chris Shares His Story and Personal Strategy Moving Forward
- Some Possible Scenarios and What to Do
- The Quickest Way to Get Money out After You Get Started
- The Secret Sauce for Your Property Empire Recipe
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - Why to Invest in Industrial Real Estate with Lillie Cawthorn
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Make Money From Your Residential Home with Alex Ormerod
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Give Up Your Day Job and Get Into Property Full Time with Charles Tarbey
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - What I Learned in the Army that I Now Apply to Wealth Building with Daimien Patterson
- EMPIRE BUILDERS - How to Grow Your Business Fast with Kerwin Rae
Webinar Archive
- 01 - Launch webinar - Week 1
- 02 - Launch webinar - Week 2
- 03 - Launch webinar - Week 3
- 04 - Launch webinar - Week 4
- 05 - Launch webinar - Week 5
- 06 - Launch webinar - Week 6
- 07 - Launch webinar - Week 7
- 08 - Launch webinar - Week 8
- 09 - Monthly webinar - 25th June 2018
- 10 - Monthly webinar - 4th August 2018
- 11 - Monthly webinar - 27th August 2018
- 12 - Monthly webinar - 26th September 2018
- 13 (Part 1) - Monthly webinar - 5th November 2018
- 13 (Part 2) - Monthly webinar - 5th November 2018
- 14 - Monthly webinar - 10th December 2018
- 15 - Monthly webinar - 29th January 2019
- 16 - Monthly webinar - 4th March 2019
- 17 - Monthly webinar - 1st April 2019
- 18 (Part 1) - Monthly webinar - 13th May 2019
- 18 (Part 2) - Monthly webinar - 13th May 2019
- 19 - Monthly webinar - 1st July 2019
- 20 - Monthly webinar - 29th July 2019
- 21 - Monthly webinar - 5th September 2019
- 22 - Monthly webinar - 14th October 2019
Laying Robust Foundations
In this section, you establish the essential solid foundation from which to build your property empire.
In Section One, you will discover:
Why you don’t need to be special or unique to be successful in property and how anyone willing to put in the hard work can have every chance of success
Why advice you receive from your parents is most likely wrong if you want to build a property portfolio